The Simple Pleasure of  the Classic Little Garden-Fresh Tomato Salad

The Simple Pleasure of  the Classic Little Garden-Fresh Tomato Salad

In the heart of summer, there’s nothing quite like the simple pleasure of this Classic Little Garden-Fresh Tomato Salad recipe. Sun-ripened tomatoes, bursting with flavor, dressed in a homemade red wine vinaigrette that’s as straightforward as it is sublime. Add to that the crispness of thinly sliced red onions and the rustic charm of crumbled feta cheese, and you have a dish that’s as timeless as the classic little black dress.

This tomato salad recipe is a versatile companion to any meal. Whether it’s gracing the picnic table at a casual backyard barbecue or adding a touch of elegance to a formal dinner affair, it’s the perfect sidekick to a variety of grilled delicacies and veggie accompaniments.

Here’s how to bring this culinary delight to your table.

The Star of the Show – Tomatoes: During the balmy days of summer, the ideal tomatoes—especially the more substantial varieties—should have a satisfying heft and exude that quintessential ripe tomato fragrance. For those times outside the summer’s bounty, plum or grape tomatoes stand as reliable and tasty options, ensuring your salad remains a year-round treat.

The Crunchy Counterpart – Onions: The sharpness of red onion slices provides the perfect textural contrast to the tender tomato wedges. A quick soak in ice water tames their pungency, ensuring they complement rather than overpower the salad’s flavors.

The Dressing – A Flavorful Embrace: A brief marinade in a zesty vinaigrette works wonders, coaxing the tomatoes to release their sweet nectar into the mix. This melding of flavors ensures that each tomato bite is infused with the dressing’s sweet and tangy essence.

The Finishing Touches – Cheese & Herbs: Feta cheese, with its firm texture and briny taste, adds a dimension that’s reminiscent of croutons, albeit with a softer crunch. If feta isn’t your style, goat cheese or blue cheese are equally delightful alternatives. Just before serving, a sprinkle of finely chopped herbs—be it parsley, basil, or oregano—brings a burst of freshness that elevates the salad from wonderful to extraordinary.

leaf no broth unturned classic little garden-fresh tomato salad

Classic Little Garden-Fresh Tomato Salad

This salad is a versatile companion to any meal. Sun-ripened tomatoes, bursting with flavor, dressed in a homemade red wine vinaigrette that’s as straightforward as it is sublime.
Prep Time 20 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Course Salad
Cuisine American
Servings 6
Calories 729 kcal



  • 1 1/2 tbsp red wine vinegar or balsamic vinegar
  • 2 tsp honey local or raw
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
  • 3 tbsp olive oil extra virgin
  • 1/2 tsp Kosher salt
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper


  • 1 red onion small, thinly sliced
  • 2 lbs ripe tomatoes cut into 1/2 inch wedges


  • 4 oz feta cheese crumbled
  • 1/4 cup freshly chopped herbs parsley or basil or oregeno


  • Prepare an ice water bath in a medium size bowl.
  • Slice red onions into thin slices and then plunge into the ice water bath 10-15 minutes. This will mellow the flavor of the onion so that it doesn’t overpower the rest of the salad. Stir occasionally. Then drain in a mesh strainer to allow to air dry.
  • Cut tomatoes into ½ inch wedges.
  • In a 4-ounce or 8-ounce jelly jar with lid add all of the ingredients for the dressing; red wine vinegar, honey, Dijon mustard, extra-virgin olive oil, salt and pepper. Close lid tightly and shake vigorously to mix.
  • In a medium to large bowl, add the tomatoes and pour the vinaigrette over the tomatoes. Turn to coat the tomato wedges. Allow to marinate at room temperature for 5-10 minutes. Tomatoes benefit from being marinated in a vinaigrette prior to serving. The salt draws out some of the juice in the tomato, which mixes into the vinaigrette. Tomatoes allowed to marinate for a short time take on a little more of the vinaigrette.
  • Chop fresh parsley or fresh basil. Basil will add a touch of sweetness. For a savory garnish, consider a sprinkle of oregano.
Keyword tomato salad, tomatoes

This salad recipe is a simple indulgence to be enjoyed.

leaf no broth unturned simple pleasures image

Enjoy this Classic Little Tomato Salad at your next family gathering—or perhaps be indulgent and make it just for yourself. Let each bite transport you into the heart of summer, with flavors that mingle—tomatoes, onions, feta, herbs, and the tangy sweetness of the vinaigrette.

Did you make this Classic Little Tomato Salad? What did you think? Did you tweak it in a way to make it uniquely your own? Tell me in the comments below. I love hearing about your kitchen adventures. Happy cooking!